Up to 250,000 school leavers annually take a gap year and many travel abroad to explore the world with resource poor destinations often being popular because of lower costs. These young people will prepare more thoroughly, stay safer and healthier abroad and ultimately enjoy their overseas experience more by attending WMT’s GAP TRAVELLER WORKSHOP. And parents and family will enjoy greater peace of mind!
This workshop is only run on a bespoke, private basis for schools and youth organisations. This stimulating, fun and highly interactive day is packed with practical medical, safety and travel advice from WMT’s experienced team. WMT engages with participants as young adults and not children. Students depart with a comprehensive planning “checklist” and action plan to develop and execute their gap experience.
Most topics are covered through facilitated group discussions, case studies and interactive teaching. Some content is delivered with concise jargon free mini lectures. Many trust-worthy sources of additional information are sign-posted throughout. The workshop content and material is drawn from WMT’s Wilderness Medicine Workshop and flagship Far From Help medical course and blended with our extensive overseas practical experience in all environments when leading school expeditions and working with young adults.
This workshop is ideal preparation for students undertaking a gap year whether they are travelling independently / with friends or joining an organised gap experience. WMT has run this programme several times for King Edward VI School, Southampton.
Workshop delivery is highly scaleable: one WMT instructor delivers the workshop which keeps costs down but the host organisation is expected to provide additional adults/teachers to support the WMT workshop director. Up to 40 students can be accommodated with one WMT instructor. The host provides the venue.
Outline Programme & Topics Covered
Timings: allow a 4-hour block plus time for breaks and food. The workshop can be delivered any day of the week including weekends or late afternoon / evenings.
- Welcome, introductions, objectives
- Planning for safe travel: identifying and reducing the risks, reliable sources of advice
- Medical issues pre-travel: health preparations & jabs, malaria, rabies & other common endemic diseases
- Pre-existing personal health issues and how to manage them (for example, asthma, common conditions & other special needs)
- Fitness
- Paperwork & admin: passports & other documents (visas, immunisation certs)
- Navigating the mindfield of essential travel insurance
- Money management
- Don’t get locked up! Local legal issues.
- How not to cause offence: cultural sensitivities & norms
- Staying healthy while you’re away: preventing illness & dealing with common medical problems: water purification, personal hygiene, insect bite avoidance, diarrhoea, minor wounds, foot blisters
- What to take? Summary of recommended personal first aid & over the counter medical supplies.
- Emotional well-being during foreign travel
- Special local & environmental hazards: altitude sickness, heat and cold
- Let’s talk about sex baby!
- In-country travel: logistics & considerations if going by air, rail, road, boat, bike, horse or unicycle
- Undertaking adventurous (risky) activities – is it safe??
- Situational awareness: conflict prevention, recognition & avoidance, diffusion
- Scams and schemes: how not to get ripped off
- Communications! Keeping in touch with home.
- Action planning: developing a checklist & timetable for getting ready
- Final remarks, questions, certifcates & close
Students can expect to come away from the day with a clear checklist on how to organise, plan and execute their GAP experience more safely.
To discuss your interest in this workshop please message WMT using the contact page.