All individuals, groups or teams venturing abroad be they commercial, schools, academic bodies and researchers, charitable or private, would do well to be familiar with the guidelines, recommendations, protocols and advice contained in BS 8848 (April 2007); Specifications for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities, outside the United Kingdom. (8848 is taken from the height in metres of Everest.)
In particular WMT would like to draw your attention to Section 21 Medical, pp 26-28, which offers advice under the following headings:
General re: accessing medical advice, services and support
Medical planning re: risk analysis of medical hazards
Pre-existing medical conditions re: screening and fitness to travel
Prevention of ill health: vaccinations and prophylaxis re: getting the right pre-travel advice and jabs
Environment related illness re: understanding and managing these special risks
Medical expertise re: the first aid training of leaders shall be “commensurate” with the needs of the project
First aid kits re: should meet a specification prepared by a medical professional with knowledge and experience relevant to the venture
Medical protocols re: on the appropriate use of medical kits, consent and training
WMT course delegates can be assured that all WMT training will assist them in following this advice.